MANN+HUMMEL choose Infra-XS

The company is represented in 41 locations all over the world with 11,500 employees. MANN+HUMMEL is one of the major corporations in automotive components.

The company was established in Ludwigsburg, in southwest Germany in 1941. The Division Automotive OE develops, produces, and markets MANN+HUMMEL filter and air intake systems and other components for the automotive industry. The motor spares trade is supplied with filter elements under the MANN-FILTER brand name in the same quality as that supplied to OEMs. For the general industry MANN+HUMMEL develops and produces industrial filters and filtration systems for the engineering industry and units and systems for materials handling in the plastics processing industry.

In 2007 the corporation achieved a total revenue of € 1.75 billion, about three-quarters of which came from the business with the automotive and the motor spares trade customers.

MANN+HUMMEL decided for Infra-XS after some weeks of testing. The software-suite is mainly used to monitor critical SAP transactions.

We welcome Mann+Hummel and look forward to a successful business association.